Message from the new Presiding Bishop, Ray E. Horton
Dear fellow ministers and saints of God, I am honored and humbled that Bishop Jason Lindsey and the other bishops have put their trust in me for the leadership of R.A.M.A. I will serve to the best of my ability.
Like all of you, I am busy with my own areas of ministry, but after much prayer, I have decided to make this a priority.
I accept this position with two conditions:
First, that it be God’s will. I asked the Lord and sensed from Him that it is, and that He promises to be my enabler.
Secondly, that this leadership role be seen as a part of a team ministry, with each bishop doing their part actively.
Together we will grow this ministry on the firm foundation established by Jason, and be Holy Spirit led. Following the Lord’s guidance, we will meet the needs of fellow ministers throughout America and make an impact on His church, with the ultimate goal of bringing in the harvest.
I love you all and pray the Lord’s blessings over you.
Ray Horton
Presiding Bishop
Rivers Arising Ministerial Association