Having set a high standard of sincere and professional Christian Ministry; We invite you to join with many other ordinary men and women nationwide in fulfilling their callings to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Rivers Arising Ministerial Association is a non-denominational community of many Christians nationwide using diverse gifts and talents promoting Christian Fellowship and Unity in faith.
Seeking to qualify, equip and train men and women to live by their faith in serving our Lord Jesus.
Our standards of faith are the inspired teachings and commandments of the Holy Bible.
We emphasize Christian centered beliefs that unite us in the Body of Christ with great love and admiration for each other without respect for wealth, social status, race, natural born male or female, or national origin.
The Rivers Arising Ministerial Association (RAMA) is a Christian centered ministry using our communities alongside internet as a powerful Gospel tool in fulfilling our Gospel commission.
We provide Christian leadership, training, and inspiration to build-and support Christians worldwide working in “God Connected” partnerships as Ambassadors to our Lord Jesus.
Regional and Local leaders review and screen sincere applicants for approval to membership.
Ordination applicants must be in compliance with our high standards set forth in the terms and conditions of ordination, and are required to renew credentials on a yearly basis.
We promote regular family fellowship in normal places of worship including homes, groups, and R.A.M.A. lead fellowship meetings and services