Founded in 2022 by Jason And Tracy Lindsey, the Rivers Arising Ministerial Association (RAMA) is a non-denominational, intra-church organization based in and serving North America. Our mission is simple yet profound: to unite and equip ministers across the globe and foster a revival of Full Gospel teachings.
In 2016 Jason Lindsey and his beloved wife Tracy founded Love Never Fails Christian Fellowship in rural French Lick, Indiana. Both being overcomers of addiction through Jesus Christ, accepted the calling of pulling others from the same fires that Jesus had once pulled them from. Through the Lord, they not only witnessed restoration of the broken but got to see many grow and develop in their own personal ministry. Through the success of their dedication to raising up Disciples, the Lindsey’s were inspired to establish a tool to help develop and credential ministers. That tool is now known as the Rivers Arising Ministerial Association. Standing on Proverbs 27:17, we will have an impact on the world, together!